How to Use the Worksheet

To fully utilize the features in the worksheet, you must have a OneDrive account. OneDrive is a way to store your files online. This is often referred to as storing files in the cloud. When you store a file online, you can access it from anywhere using a variety of devices including a laptop computer, a desktop computer, a mobile phone, or a tablet PC.

You may already have an account. One drive is part of Windows Live. If you have any type of Windows Live account, such as Hotmail or Xbox Live you have a OneDrive account. If you do not have an account, you can sign up for one free. Go to to sign up.

OneDrive gives you access to the Excel web app. The Excel web app is a mini Excel. You can use it to create and modify Excel files. When using this tutorial, you can use it to practice the concepts taught. The web app does not have all the features of Excel, but it does have all the key features, and, for the most part, they work the same way as they do in Excel.

Even if you do not have a OneDrive account you can, click anywhere in the worksheet to activate it. You can then:

  • Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move left, right, up, and down
  • Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to move up a page and down a page
  • Double-click in a cell to see a formula
  • Double-click in a cell to edit its contents
  • Double-click in a cell, select its contents, and then press the Delete key to delete
  • Type in a cell to change its content
  • Click and drag the column separator to change the width of a column
  • Click and drag the row separator to change the height of a row
  • Click and drag on the column indicators to select columns
  • Click and drag on the row indicators to select rows
  • Drag the horizontal scroll bar to move back and forth across the worksheet
  • Drag the vertical scroll bar to move up and down the worksheet
  • Click on the sheet tabs to view additional sheets
  • Click a link to move to the linked location
  • Press F5 to reverse all changes

If a cell has a red triangle in the upper right corner, click the triangle to display the comment icon. Click the comment icon to display comments.

Click the download button   to download the worksheet. Click the full-size button  to see the entire worksheet.

You cannot edit the worksheet in full-size view; however, in full-size view, you can click the Add to OneDrive button  , sign into OneDrive and then edit the worksheet there. Or, you can click the Download button , download the worksheet and edit it in Excel.