
Word: Change Line Spacing

Line spacing sets the amount of space between lines within a paragraph. By default, the spacing for each line is set to accommodate the largest font or graphic on that line. If the lines include smaller fonts, there will appear to be extra space between lines where the smaller fonts are located.

You can set the line spacing by using the Line and Paragraph Spacing button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab. The Line and Paragraph Spacing button provides the options shown in the Line and Paragraph Spacing Options table.

Line and Paragraph Spacing Options
Option Command
1.0 Single Space: Accommodate the largest font on each line plus some extra space
1.15 Set the line spacing to 115 percent of the single space size
1.5 Set the line spacing to 150 percent of the single space size
2 Double Space: Set the line spacing to 200 percent of the single space size
2.5 Set the line spacing to 250 percent of the single space size
3 Triple Space: Set the line spacing to 300 percent of the single space size
Line Spacing Options Open the Paragraph dialog box

Change Line Spacing

  1. Place the insertion point in the paragraph you want to change, or select the paragraphs you want to change.
  2. Choose the Home tab.
  3. Click the Line and Paragraph Spacing button in the Paragraph group. A menu of options appears.
  4. Click the line spacing you want. Word changes the line spacing.

Is there another way to set the line spacing?

You can click the dialog box launcher in the Paragraph group on the Home tab to open the Paragraph dialog box. Select Single in the Line Spacing field for single space, 1.5 for one and one-half times the single space amount, or Double for double space.

Can I customize the line spacing?

If you want to customize your spacing, open the Paragraph dialog box, select one of the options shown in the Custom Spacing table in the Line Spacing field, and then set a value in the At field.

Custom Spacing
Line Spacing Field At Field
At Least Enter the minimum amount of space you want between lines in points. If larger fonts or graphics appear on a line, Word will increase the line spacing to accommodate the largest font or graphic.
Exactly Enter the amount of space you want between lines in points. If larger fonts or graphics appear on a line, Word will NOT increase the line spacing to accommodate the largest font or graphic. Text and/or graphics may overlap with the line above or below.
Multiple Enter a multiple of the single space amount. For example, enter 2 in the At field for double space or 3 for triple space. If larger fonts or graphics appear on a line, Word will NOT increase the line spacing to accommodate the largest font or graphic. Text and/or graphics may overlap with the line above or below.

What is leading?

Leading is the distance between lines of text. Instead of using the term leading, Word uses the term line spacing.

Line Spacing Shortcut Keys
Description Shortcut Keys
Select the entire document Ctrl+A
Single space Ctrl+1
150 percent of single space Ctrl+5
Double space Ctrl+2

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