
Change the Font Color

For added contrast, you can change the color of text to a theme color, standard color, or any other color. Theme colors are a set of colors for use throughout a document or set of documents. You can use them to give your documents a consistent look and feel. When you assign a theme color to a font, if you change the theme, the font color may also change.

Standard colors are a set of popular colors that appear on the color drop-down menu. You can click More Colors and apply almost any color to your text. When you change the theme, Standard colors and colors you apply by selecting More Colors do not change.

If you are going to place shading behind your text, make sure your text is a contrasting color that you can easily see. For example, if you have a black background, you might want to use white or another light text color. Word has designated the first four columns of Theme colors for use as background and text colors; however, you are not restricted to using those colors.

Change the Font Color to a Theme or Standard Color

  1. Select the text. Word highlights the text.
  2. Choose the Home tab.
  3. Click the down-arrow next to the Font Color button font-color in the Font group. The color gallery appears.
  4. Click the color you want. Word changes the color of your font.
  5. Click in the text area. The highlighting disappears.

Use the Colors Dialog Box: Standard Tab

  1. Select the text that has the color you want to change. Word highlights the text.
  2. Choose the Home tab.
  3. Click the down-arrow next to the Font Color button  font-colorin the Font group. The color gallery appears.
  4. Click More colors. The Colors dialog box opens.
  5. Choose the Standard tab.
  6. Click the color you want.
  7. Click OK. Word changes the color of the text.
  8. Click in the text area. The highlighting disappears.

Use the Colors Dialog Box: Custom Tab

  1. Select the text that has the color you want to change. Word highlights the text or object.
  2. Choose the Home tab.
  3. Click the down-arrow next to the Font Color button  in the Font group. The color gallery appears.
  4. Click More colors. The Colors dialog box opens.
  5. Choose the Custom tab.
  6. Click the down-arrow next to the Color Model field and then select a color model.
  7. Type a value in the Hue or Red field, depending on the model you choose.
  8. Type a value in the Sat or Green field, depending on the model you choose.
  9. Type a value in the Lum or Blue field, depending on the model you choose.
  10. Click OK. Word changes the color of the text you selected.
  11. Click in the text area. The highlighting disappears.


  1. Select the text that has the color you want to change. Word highlights the text or object.
  2. Choose the Home tab.
  3. Click the down-arrow next to the Font Color button font-color in the Font group. The color gallery appears.
  4. Click More colors. The Colors dialog box opens.
  5. Choose the Custom tab.
  6. Drag the color locater to the color you want.
  7. Drag the color slider to lighten or darken the color.
  8. Click OK. Word changes the color of the text you selected.
  9. Click in the text area. The highlighting disappears.

Icon QuestionHow do I change text back to the default color?

Select the text. Click the down-arrow next to the Font Color button. The Color menu appears. Click Automatic. Word changes the text back to the default color. You can also press Ctrl+Spacebar to remove all formatting.

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